• #104: 100 Questions

    Very bored...and I'm in the mood for procrastination~

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    1. you never mentioned wanting to be a teacher and i don't know why that is...
      i think being a teacher is very 伟大 and all my respect goes out to you<3
      have you thought of the teaching degree at unsw then?
      and then... what type of teacher would you be?
      my family friend studied literature and teaching and she told me that when she got her first teaching gig... she had to teach math LOL so i'm not quite sure how it works....
      anyhows... <33333

    2. mmm...being a teacher sounds good...but i'm scared of being sent off to some countryside...and parents are pretty meh about getting me getting a teacher degree...
      if I do become teacher, I want to become a language teacher...but the degrees are a bit funny, so I might do a commerce/secondary teaching one.
