• #78:得好茶餐廳 - Burwood

    為食貓再次出動了~ Time to go eat again la~

    A while ago, I went out to Burwood with mummy for shopping, then we had to find lunch. We normally go to a place called Sea Bay Noodle Restaurant (西北面店, I think), but it was really crowded  and there was a half an hour wait before we could even get a seat, so we went elsewhere.
    We walked past this Asian BBQ (?) place that we normally buy our CHAR SIU and SIU AAP from and I was attracted by a sign that read, "特價乳豬飯" (i.e. Special Suckling Pork Rice) for such cheap price of $11.80.

    So I convinced mum to go in and try it, since we've never been. We got in and I was like "Gimme your special suckling pork rice!! ^^". But then they we like, "Sorry, no suckling pork today".... and I went into full devo mode.....
    So me and mum ended up ordering this chicken thing with two bowls of rice, as we are true Asians~ ^_^ 

    The chicken in all it's goody goodness! The chicken was so "smooth" even the chicken breasts that are normally really rough. The vegetables are also very delicious! The broth/sauce that was poured over it was filled with chicken flavour and suited really well with the plain white rice. It was relatively cheap as well, it was either $11.80 or $16.80..under $20 anyway~~

    Although, the food and service was all pretty good, but the own downside was the cutlery/plates and bowls they gave you.
    Because they wanted everything to be clean, I think they mix bleach into their washing up waters or something.....IDK....but the bowls smell like bleach/chlorine; AKA the pool....I really dislike that factor because I always think that my stomach is going to burn from the bleach, but don't worry guys, I'm still safe! ^_^

    I want to go there again~
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