• #61: Face Shop Real Nature Mask Kelp

    Hi! I normally just try out sample I snag from different stores or in the mail. But this time it's different! I bought it with my own hard earned cash~ I bought this a couple weeks ago when I went to the Face Shop store after my friend's birthday tea party! I bought the 'Real Nature Mask Kelp' and a pair of shower gloves that trip, but I'll only blog the mask because I can't be bothered talking about gloves.
    Kelp mask. Why did I buy it? Because it's a kelp mask! I've never seen kelp masks before! The Face Shop has like normal ones like Q10, aloe, ginseng etc. 
    I've tried seaweed ones before, but kelp just pulled me in! 
    I have to admit that I was drawn in by the numbers on the packaging. I have no idea what 1000mg means, but it just sounds nice. I asked a friend who does science, and she said some science-y I thing, but apparently 1000 mg is not really impressive. There were other ones which had 2000 and 4000 written on. I shall try later~

    The back packaging!  It has both English and Korean written on the back, so that I can read what's so special about the mask. 
    It's says that "This detox mask enables a pure skin appearance....protects the skin from air pollution..."

    But sadly, this is misleading advice.....
    From what the pictures the mask is meant to stick to your face very nicely, BUT...
    it doesn't!!! But maybe it's just me?!?

    The INSIDE! 
    nice(?) packaging. I really don't know what to say about this. I'm seeing what I expect to see when I open a packet of face mask. enough said.
    But I kind of wanted to see a pale green mask, but oh well.

    What the folded up mask looks like. It's very moist, but it doesn't drip with serum so it's not that messy to put on your face. it smells really nice, but very normal. No special "kelp" scent. 

    TA DAA~
    The mask is tad thinner than the other masks I've tried e.g. My Beauty Diary
    It also has a more paper quality - like the mask tablets which you soak in your own serum. But I like the fact that it's more paper like, because it's more light-weighted and it doesn't fall off due to gravity as easily. 

    It has a significant amount of serum left in the packet. Great to replenish the drying mask. Or to moisturise your hands, neck...etc.

    the mask on my face! (owl pjs!)
    yeah maybe it's me, but the mask is TOO big for my face! 
    you can probably see, but the edges of the mask are in the air as they have to face to stick to. I've went and "resaerched" to see if it was just me, but the issue of the mask being too wide seems to only apply to me....I've read posts where the mask was too small, but not too big...sigh...but on the other hand, that means I have a SKINNY FACE! V-line, here I come!
    The mask adheres to the face pretty well in most places, except at the corner of the eyes...but most masks don't stick there. 
    Overall, it's pretty good!
    Not that I noticed any changes with my skin.....hehehe...
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