• #75: My Beauty Mate's Bright Up Nano Eye Mask

    Hi guys!
    My table is so messy right??!! Haven't been blogging in a while, because I've been obsessed with my Nintendo DS again! Phoenix Wright~ best game ever! Anyway, I finally got the chance to try out the eye mask I bought a while ago!
    The box (front)
    Pretty nice design(?) - simple and elegant
    Box packaging (back)
    it has both English and Chinese instructions
    This packaging is sort of weird....
    it comes out as a tray display...which is not very good for my "organisation" of beauty products....
    I can't lie it down so it must stand up straight.
    This is one area where it can be improved~ 
    The box of masks also comes with a little colourful pamphlet that introduces their range of products
    The pamphlet ~ it's so colourful~
    it also comes with a table that recommends different types of masks for different purposes (e.g. hydration, whitening...etc.)
    They've got cherry, blueberry, orange, etc...so fruity! ^_^
    I really want to try this rock melon one~ 
    it hydrates and whitens!!!! 
    I will buy it one day!
    Individual packaging~ looks exactly like the box!
    This INSIDES!!! Wooooo~~~~~
    there's a lot of that serum in the package.....
    see what I mean by a lot of serum?
    It's also weird because the serum is white and not clear like the ones I normally use....
    But that's apparently the "whitening" element
    I don't know if it's whether during the shipping process or how I carried it home or how I just left it lying around that the mask kind of moved out of space.....hmmm...
    if it didn't happen because of me....this needs improvement!
    once again, it's flooded in serum.
    The mask itself doesn't even really fit into the case....sigh....
    the mask itself! TADAAA~
    a lot of serum left in the case
    The two sheets of masks are separated with a sheet of "hole-ly" plastic....
    I have no idea why there is a sheet of plastic, the only use is so that you can peel of the masks easier? Other than that, I have no idea.

    it's actually quite large....
    and I also realised....I put on the mask the wrong way around.
    The sharp pointy bit is meant to point towards the nose.....
    That's me being a noob....
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