Hi guys! Don't worry, I haven't moved off into a cave to be away from humanity. It's just that I've been really caught up with work and uni....who decided to put all the assignments due in the same week?! Since I had class till 6pm and didn't get home till 7:30...I'm going to give myself a mini-break and blog instead. Anyway, last Tuesday was the big day...since getting HSIE together is now a colossal task, I celebrated it a bit early with the mlys and then on the actual day was just spent quietly with my family. So here's how it went!
We've seen Yebisu Izayaka a couple times - usually when we're chilling at Chanoma, so we decided to give Yebisu a try. I tried to book, but a party of 3 is too small to book for (they only take bookings for 6+). Having read reviews that they're quite popular all throughout the week, and that the queue can get quite long we opted to eat relatively early at 6. Upon arrival, the waitress tells us that there's a 1.5 hr limit. To me, the time limit is rather big put-off as it means I need to be time-conscious when I'm meant to be chilling with friends and food. But then I came to realise that it's not much of a problem, considering their menu size...To be honest, I think the menu is quite limited...
To start off everything, we order drinks from their touch-screen/iPad menus (like the ones at Wagaya and Mizuya). P got a blue lemonade, E got a lychee drink I think, and I got something will oolong in it...I've fully forgotten thanks to my goldfish memory....sorry guys, really should carry a notebook to write everything down >.<"
We got fried lotus chips and edamame (not in the shot) to nibble on as we tried to decide what else to order. Also about their ordering system, it's quite difficult to use because it's mounted to the wall. You end up delegating one person to the task, whilst everyone else share the one print-out menu. I'm pretty sure they'll give you another menu if you asked, but they were quite busy so....we just grabbed the menu on the table next to ours.

As we were planning to share everything we ordered, the ramens, udons and soups weren't really our choice because they're kind of hard to share. So we ended up getting most of their rolls - we skipped on the Tom Yum roll, that I remember distinctly.
They have all the typical rolls you'll expect, so we ordered all those! I only have pictures of like 2/4 the rolls we ordered because it was more important to eat and chat will the mlys that I haven't seen in a long time!
Yebisu is also famous for their grilled section (yaki--) so we picked out a few to try. Sorry again but no photos ahhh. I wanted to try the grilled avocado (which turned out to be grilled avovado...no surprises there). We also got a grilled squid (that was really good) as well as chicken balls (like fish balls, but chicken) as well. However, one thing was the miso sauce that came with all the grilled things.....it was really strong and overpowering...I'm not a big fan, but it was alright.
And here's the highlight! The mlys surprised me with a cake! I had no idea it was happening, mostly because I had my back towards the restaurant....Now that I think about it, I should've seen it coming as I suggested to get the bill after eating..they were like let's wait a while. But who actually wants to see surprises coming?! It feels really good to be surprised, and I truly was! Now that I think about it...I haven't been surprised many times (because I'm just too nosy and want to know everything), so I was really touched by the mlys putting in the effort for this present!
!!!Thank you!!!
Anyway, this is all from me for now!
Hope to see you guys next week (I'll try my best!)
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