I never intended to do a graduation post..but I guess I should so that when I'm old with dementia, I will always remember how I graduated high school with the most wonderful bunch of people.
I've always hated odd numbers, and still do to a certain extent. Because odd numbers always meant to me that someone had to be left out. Someone always had to sit on the other side of the table. Someone would always be left out more or less. Someone would only have half their face shown in a photo. However, it was you guys who led to like the number 3. The 3 who sat in class and chatted during maths. The 3 that rarely turn up to outings, as we're always busy. The 3 who would do nearly everything together. The 3 who would leave the group behind as we walked faster. The 3, the 3, the 3....my life became loaded with the number 3.
Thank you for all you've done for me. Thank you for being my side (like my arms...HAHAHAHA!!). Thank you for being the people who I can tell everything to. Without you guys, I would've already gone done a really sad, depressing path. I must have been a saint in my past life to get friends like you guys this time round!!!
We've had plenty of good times and very few bad times and I'm sure we will make plenty more in the future (visiting you guys at Cumberland...HAHAHA!! Just thinking about you guys is hilarious! ^_^)
Thank you guys for being the biggest friendship group in the school! I still take a lot of pride in that!
I don't remember how I became friends with everyone(seriously no memory at all of it), but I am extremely grateful. You guys have made all the lunches (and now recesses) the funniest and interesting time ever!
I think I'm going to do individual messages...but I don't think you guys read my blog but anyway... I'll try and not repeat what I put in your letters...don't want to give that away do I? BTW...this is not in any order...
Hwei-See: Thank you for being friend for the past 7 years (from Year 6!) Thanks to you, my first few days of Year 7 went smoothly! Also, your aunt Catherine(?) is a brilliant person!
Barbara: Bacon, Bulbasaur, Bob...all the nicknames that you've had since primary school. It's been my pleasure to have you as a friend since our time at HPS. Your abilities with both academics and sports has always wow-ed me.
Michelle: The bushy-haired Hong-ky pride represent! I've known you since Year 1? Or even earlier....Looking at you now really surprises me, because you used to be shy...Now you are one of the wildest people I know! (It's a good thing! ^^) Also, your brilliant, funny wild dreams you share with us really brightens my day! I will forever remember the fact that you dreamt of us being bald....Also, I still think about the cartoon you drew of me every time I seat in the four-seater on a bus....I did not have sparkling eyes!
Peony: My crazy train buddy. My fellow Du friend. So many of the memories I have of you is related to Du, going to Du or suffering through the Du homework....You and I are so similar in so many ways. We're both obsessed with meat. We're crazy over bubble tea. We've fangirled over SHINee and now EXO. Just scrolling through my photo gallery on my phone, and I realised how many of them were us on our foodie trips...mostly before Du....T^T...We Also, refer to MLYS message!
Emily: You're a friend who is exactly like me but totally different to me at the same time. We both love all the TVB dramas, the HK singers. We both are totally ignorant of the Western world... But at the same time we're so different. I'm a carnivore and you're practically a vegetarian. I love all thrill and adrenaline, while you rather sit at the side and watch me. This really sounds like a love confession, but I guess I could say that you are kind of my guardian angel! Like Peo, refer to MYLS comment.
Amy C: amy.penguin27! The gullible one! Awww... I love you! I feel so bad that I had so much fun tricking you....I'm sorry! ^_^ I've always remembered you as the one who lives in Hurstville and would arrive 5 minutes earlier than the rest of us...but now to me, you are the BLINKER! How do you do that? That timing! HAAHAHAH!!! My message to you: KEEP YOU EYES OPEN!
Amy D: Only been in your class in Year 7 and Year 12 Eco....I never really had the chance to get really close to you...but you'll always be my friend!
Allison: The 'newbie' from Canada!! I don't think I was here for you first day...I was chilling in QLD!!! But I have heard the stories that you mistook us for lesbians...HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! Now you're one of us (what a girl school does to you...)! You've been such a good friend, and it now feels like I've know you forever~
Vivian: I think I only became close you in the last 2 years...thanks to English! You've been a brilliant friend and I'm really grateful for all you've done for me! The stories you've told me and the miscellaneous knowledge you've taught me will always remain!
Tracey: Hacy.tree; T.He!! It's been a wonderful 6 years, despite the numerous tense situations we're both in! The most memorable moment I've spent with you is definitely organising the Year 10 formal. The maths wasn't hard, but the stress with it must've caused us to fight....quite a bit...and a few tears I think...Also, lugging around 600 dollars in coins, and terrorising our year as a loan shark, having 200 odd boxes of chocolate in my room wasn't exactly pleasant...but definitely are memories that will remain with me forever!
Cathy: The very smart and very talented one. Your excellent academics, your brilliant baking skills, your dedication to everything, your excellent organisation skills really wowed me and still does. Never spent any class time with you, but you're definitely a life friend~
Natalie: My fellow economic and legal studies friend! You've been a real bright light to my HSIE life. Watching the fights between you an Michelle have always been a highlight of my lunches! As well as the guts you have to provoke Tracey when she is dangerously right beside you! Love you!
Fiona: The Bevo Trio member! I've known you since Year 7 as well? Or was it later?? I don't remember anymore la....You've been an amazing friend. Great support, great advice and great fun! Although I still struggle to figure out whether you're a Bevo kid or a King****** kid???!!
Monica: I remember when I first knew you as Peony's friend. You guys were always together and inseparable. DKBros; Lil' and Big Bro...I remember all that! I remember Year 8 English with you and how much fun we had!
Isabella: Our resident otaku! Your fangirl-ing over SNSD, EXO and all the animes that I don't know about is so cute! Also, it's "achievement unlocked" when we took a picture with you on graduation! I'll keep that photo forever!! HAHAHAHA!!!
To Syd Girls and the teachers:
What I've gotten from you guys has really helped me in all sort of ways. There's been good times and bad times. Thank you for everything.
#131: Graduation Post
Serena Lin 5:20 PM
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